Align Sales Agency

What could a TOP-PERFORMING Sales Professional do for your business right now?

We’ve saved many businesses just like yours from the costly mistake of hiring the wrong salespeople. Which is why we are the go-to for women sales agents in the transformational-business space!

Watch this video now to discover how a TOP-PERFORMING and HEART-CENTERED sales-professional is your ticket to time, money and greater impact.

With our one-step proprietary formula, we can show you how to hire a NO-COST TOP-PERFORMING sales professional to increase revenue, decrease sales slumps and have a team selling your dream for you.

We stand out as the first and only female-led sales training and recruiting agency

We are dedicated to solving sales hiring and process problems for service-based companies by providing top remote (mostly) female sales professionals with business owners ready to grow and scale.
The right people and the proper process will help you increase sales, decrease anxiety and help your team reach those BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals).


Get your time back now

We are experts at aligning high-performing sales professionals with impact driven entrepreneurs.

With our proprietary formula, our strategist will show you how you can increase your sales revenue with the right hire.

Hey, Powersource CEO!

Here is why you should Hire us

She’s taken her natural ability to build a multiple 7 figure real estate company and become a #1 business broker in the state of Nevada.  She also became a top income earner in a network marketing organization at the tender age of 19.  Some may say she has sales in her soul.  Her passion to help others thrive in the area of sales in order to grow, scale and serve more people has transformed well-known companies like the Boss Babe Empire. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs connect to their customers, identify potential problems and solve your sales problem before they are causing you to lose sleep. She knows how to lead a great team because she understands that the way you choose to be, becomes the way you lead, so she chooses to show up every day with her best for herself, her customers and her team. 

Are you ready to hire the right person?