Align Sales Agency

Align Sales Growth Training

Provide growth for your sales team!

Let us help your team reach the next level of influence mastery, so your company can decrease sales slumps,  revitalize sales streams to have more magic and impact. 

We shift paradigms so sales can be fun and engaging.

You trust what you’re doing, so your sales team will trust the company and add trust in your clients!

We measure. We increase revenue!

We ALIGN sales teams with the BEST performance possible!




The right training combined with the right sales agents
results in success.

“First and foremost, I would just speak to the confidence of my salespeople. It used to be a fight to get them to pick up the phone at any given day. And now that they’ve through the training with Align, their level of confidence has skyrocketed, they’re excited to pick up the phones every day! They’re not afraid of rejection, if that comes. 

We’ve seen in the last 4 months, two of which have been our biggest months on record as far as revenue’s concerned, about 50% more revenue”

Kion's customer service and sales manager

- Erik

Corporate Training Client

Kion's Training Testimonial

Kion's why

Erik asked for a training because he noticed they were stuck. If you’re stuck, usually what happens is that revenue is low. He was brave enough to ask for a fresh perspective for his sales team. These were the results they noticed after the training:

Their Results:

Work with Bella VeritaM

Bella has been selling since she was 8-years-old.  She’s taken that natural ability to build a multiple 7 figure real estate company and become a #1 business broker in the state of Nevada.

She also became a top income earner in a network marketing organization at the tender age of 19.  Some may say she has sales in her soul.  Her passion to help others thrive in the area of sales in order to grow, scale and serve more people has transformed well-known companies like the Boss Babe Empire.

Her passion is to change lives through sales. Because she has been a part of such massive sales success, she knows first-hand that aligned sales can grow businesses and completely change incomes for families. Her dream is to change the lives of thousands of women through her unique and powerful sales methods.

Tired and frustrated with the old way of selling?

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